The journal PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT THROUGH THE CENTURIES, appeared in 2014 and joined the great professional and scientific written word in the field of physical education and sports, ie physical culture. Within the history, philosophy, theory and methodology of physical education and sports, the journal aspires to contribute to the further development of scientific thought through scientific works.

Members of FIEPS Europe, Section for the History of Physical Education and Sports, with the help of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education University of Niš and Faculty of Sport and Physical Education University of Pristina in Kosovska Mitrovica, striving to achieve twice a year yournal publication.

The editorial main scope is to elect scientific research papers in field of physical education and sport which meet a high standard to promote the journal reputation and scientific reliance in international databases. Papers which interest readers from more than one discipline are mostly considered. In particular, we are keen to publish work with international audience.