
Kostadin Kisyov https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6039-8685
Apostol Slavchev https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6170-291X
Ivan Slavchev https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2220-7777
Simeonov Aleksandar https://orcid.org/0009-0001-9690-5191
Vlatko Nedelkovski https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3550-4909
Andrijana Zafirovska Misovski https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4327-5464


The article represents the distribution of the basic running training tools from the third level in the annual cycle of highly qualified racers in a preparation focused on classical mountain running in the variant "Up and Downhill". The research aims to define a principal annual model of distribution of the volume of the basic running training tools from the third level by weeks in a preparation for variation of racing„uphill and downhill“ in classic mountain running. The following methods were used: а) research of the weekly volume of the training tools within the framework of the separate mezzo-cycles in the macrostructure and b) variation analysis of the data received from the training tools explored. The results received show, that the biggest portion of the training workout is related tothe development of the sub-factor from the third level “basic endurance”. Running tools for “basic endurance” take 71% of the total annual volume. It appears to be the fundament, based on which the whole structure of the training is built. Running training means for the development of the "speed" sub-factor are two to three times greater in volume in the preparation period and during the early race stage compared to the main and late race stages and the transition period. The ratio of "base endurance" to "speed" run volume is about 32:1.

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Mountain running, Trail running, Off-road running, Achievement factors, Classification of the training tools, Basic training tools, Model of annual periodization

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How to Cite
Kisyov, K., Slavchev, . A., Slavchev, . I., Aleksandar, S., Nedelkovski, V., & Misovski, A. Z. (2024). THIRD LEVEL BASIC RUNNING TRAINING TOOLS FOR CLASSIC MOUNTAIN RUNNING IN A MODEL OF PREPARATION FOR “UP AND DOWNHILL” VARIANT - MACROSTRUCTURAL DISTRIBUTION. Physical Education and Sport Through The Centuries, 11(1), 51–59. https://doi.org/10.5937/spes2401051K