The aim of this empirical research was to examine the contribution of the predictors physical activity, physical self- description, and health status in explaining the satisfaction with life in adolescent football players. The average age of participants was 15.62 ± 1.19 years of age. The sample included (N = 163) cadets from Valjevo football clubs. The following measuring instruments were used: The International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Short Form (IPAQ-S), The Physical Self-Description Questionnaire-Short Form (PSDQ-S), and The short form-36 Health Survey (SF-36), and Satisfaction with life Scale (SWLC). The Cronbach's alpha was used to examine the internal consistency of the measuring instruments, and it has confirmed their reliability, which means that these questionnaires and scales can be used on Serbian population for future research. The regression results obtained in the first step revealed a statistically significant correlation between the independent variable self-description and the criterion satisfaction with life, with 8% of the variance (β = 0.20, p ≤ 0.01). It means that the participants who more positively perceive physical self-description are more satisfied with their life. In addition, in the second step of the regression equation, the predictor physical functioning (β = 0.21, p ≤ 0.01), with the positive direction of 12% of the variability, predicts the dependent variable satisfaction with life. It means that the young athletes who perceive their physical functioning as more prominent are more satisfied with life. This transversal study offers discussion on theoretical and potentially practical implications of the findings on the relations of determinants of physical activity, physical self-description, and health status in predicting the construct satisfaction with life among cadet football players.
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physical activity, physical self-description, health status, physical functioning, adolescents
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