Through the contemporary context of social, economic and political crises that are engulfed the world, as well as globally imposed value systems, the authors emphasize in this paper the importance of Christian values and the Olympic spirit in fostering both authentic identities, as well as preserving the unity of life on Earth. Value placed in the focus of this work is a constant human improvement through the sport and through the life in general by comparing Olympic motto "Citius, Altius, Fortius", with Christian values (forgiveness, love, mercy, tolerance, solidarity, modesty and others) whose source is the Gospel. Such a foundation gives society a greater chance to be successful, and sport and life follow the same meaningful direction – nurturing a spiritually and physically healthy individual. The comparative method, the historical method, and the method of content analysis are used as a methodological base of this work. This paper follows the genesis of the Olympic Games from antiquity to modern times, and sets research question: to what extent are the Olympic spirit and Christian values threatened in the 21st century? Authors make use of various connections between the Olympic spirit and Christian values, to promote high ethical and moral standards. Such standards are also part of best pedagogical practice. On the other hand, some negative trends in sports and life repeat themselves throughout history, leading us to opposite sides. Despite those regressive phenomena that divert society from the stable to fleeting, and from the eternal to the transient, examples of the exceptional personalities are discussed who stand for the lasting values in sport and life. Thanks to them, the Olympic flame as a symbol of the Olympic spirit keeps burning, along with the Blessed fire on Holy Saturday in Jerusalem.
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Christianity, Olympic Games, sport, Christian values, pedagogy
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