
Lazar Rados


This paper attempts to establish a connection between the totality of the world and a certain manifest forms of practice (in this case – sport). It starts with the question of the meaning of human existence with a emphasis on its theological understanding, where sport is not seen in insolation from other spheres  of earthly existence, in which by remaining God, the axiological foundation of total life is lost. Because contemporary sport is not Just an idyllic image of harmonizing positive relationships between individuals, families und society. Therefore, its study should be approached as an ambivalent category, where the primary goal is seen in terms of improving human health and nurturing his optimistic philosophy, but at the same time, other goals must be taken into account, such as: social prestige, reputation and fame. Goals such as money, as well as various other forms of negative influence should be placed at the end or even nowhere on this list.

So, the presented premises lead us in continuity from the theological understanding of existence to the true meaning of earthly life, where engaging in physical exercise, sports and recreation is linked to a healthy und quality life (meaning moderate engagement in these activities) but all the negatives offered by contemporary professional sport (as a form of its own kind of stress) end its connection to international politics and business must be taken into account.

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sport, existence, health, goals of sports engagement

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How to Cite
Rados, L. (2024). SPORT AS A WAY OF EXISTENCE. Physical Education and Sport Through The Centuries, 11(2), 81–86. https://doi.org/10.5937/spes2402081R