
Mia I. Stanojević

Uroš Nikolić
This study determined the effects of core body ball Pilates training on the functional mobility of adolescents. The study included 48 participants who were randomly assigned to either an experimental group (E; n = 24) or a control group (C; n = 24). Participants in the experimental group performed exercises on a Pilates ball twice a week for ten weeks. The control group followed the regular physical education (PE) program. The sample of measurement instruments consisted of seven standard Functional Mobility Screening (FMS) tests. The results indicated that the experimental program led to statistically significant improvements and had medium effects on the results of the Trunk Stability Push-Up (p< .01; ES=.41), Rotational Stability (p< .05; ES=.35), and Shoulder Mobility tests (p< .05; ES=.29). The control group did not show statistically significant improvements in any of the FMS tests (p> .05). The results of intergroup differences in functional mobility at the final measurement indicated statistically significantly better results in the experimental group in three of seven FMS tests. Moderate effects of the applied experimental treatment in the Trunk Stability Push-Up (ES=.41), Rotational Stability (ES=.31), and Shoulder Mobility (ES=.35) tests were determined. Effects ranging from small to moderate were observed in the Active Straight-Leg Raise test (ES=.19). In the Deep Squat test, Hurdle Step, and In-Line Lunge tests, the effect size measures were small (ES=.01). The study confirmed the superiority of Pilates on the ball compared to the regular PE program in the adaptation of functional mobility in adolescents.
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Pilates ball training, core muscles, FMS, students
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