
Vesna Milenković

The relationship between football, politics and the media sheds light on the essence of this modern sport, expressing the strength of their mutual connection, which is manifested through the power of the state and the media. The rapid development of football is conditioned by the media of mass communication, which enabled it to acquire such a position that will increase its influence on social movements. Just as the political elite quickly realized the power of the mass communication media, so with the increasing popularity of football presented in the form of a media spectacle, this sport profiled itself as the "perfect political tool". Considering the set goal of the paper to show the position of football in contemporary society with particular reference to the political and media aspect of the relationship between football and society, it can be concluded that the bond between the observed social constituents is very strong and unbreakable. Football as a global sport, on the one hand, represents a powerful source and platform for socio-political action, while, on the other hand, media coverage of probably the most popular sport in the world brings huge financial profit and influence. Therefore, it is completely clear that football is a very profitable and significant partner in the development of social relations.
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football, politics, media, globalization, contemporary society
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