
Motivation is a very complex psychological phenomenon that can influence a person to achieve the desired results in the field of his interest. Motivation in itself can be external and internal, where it is external, more oriented towards achieving goals that will bring certain recognition to the person, while it is internal, related to further improvement and advancement in life. Recreational physical exercise is largely determined by a certain level of motivation, which means that the more motivated a person is, the more active he will be in different forms and levels of recreational exercise and vice versa. Thanks to the modern technological revolution, very powerful technological resources are available today that can influence the promotion of a recreational form of physical exercise, as well as the motivation of people to be more physically active. Sports photography is a powerful visual tool that can be used to promote a recreational form of physical exercise. Thanks to its artistic dimension, sports photography can make a significant contribution to a higher level of motivation for recreational physical exercise among young people. The application of sports photography in physical education classes would contribute to a higher level of student motivation to be more engaged in all phases of the lesson itself. It can be assumed that the application of technological resources such as videos and sports photos in the form of the motivational stimulators can significantly contribute to the understanding of one’s own capabilities. And contribute to a greater interest of the youngest population in joining the physical exercise movement and choosing the sport that they will practice with their generation.
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motivation, sports photography, recreational exercise, young people
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